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Re: **New and Dangerous Computer Virus** (fwd)

At 00:21 01-04-96 -0400, Still wrote:
>I don't know if this is a load of crap or not so feel free to believe as 
>much of it as you want.
>>***Do not download any file named PKZIP300.ZIP regardless of the extension.***


You can read more on http://www.nha.com/ciac6165.htm

Kim Wohlert           |Internet:Kim.Wohlert@mainz.dk
erik mainz a/s        |X.400: (naah, it's dead)
Dortheavej 7          |
DK-2400 Copenhagen    |Phone:        +45 38 34 77 88
Denmark               |Fax:          +45 31 19 16 25
In the future everything will work